Attended the 2nd International Cellular Agriculture Conference
Jesse presents his research on establishment of bovine em
ryonic stem cells and plans for production of skeletal muscle.
A great experience attending the 2nd International Cellular Agriculture conference in Aarhus (12-13th June 2024). Jesse Westfall presented his research on establishment of bovine embryonic stem cells and the lab’s plans for producing skeletal muscle fibers on edible scaffolds. It was a great mix of researchers and industry.
Research showcased at the Copenhagen Planetarium
Highlights from the evening
This week, two researcher's from our group, Dorrotya Ralbovszki and Katarzyna Grycel had the opportunity to have their neuroscience showcased at the Copenhagen Planetarium. Our collaborator Yuki Mori created this magnificent video display where we were able to travel through the inner parts of Dorottya's baboon brain. What we are visualizing are the fibre tracks running through the brain, captured using the technique "Diffusion tensor imaging." A rather breathtaking experience. Thanks to the Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) for creating this wonderful event.
Welcome to our newest postdoc Katarzyna Grycel.
Katarzyna performed her PhD at Aarhus University under supervison of Professor Jens Randel Nyengaard and comes already with a wealth of international experience in the neurosciences and imaging. With us, she will work on a project where we are developing a research tool that can be used to measure extracellular recordings of electrically active cells such as neurons as well as measure hundreds of genes expressed in the recorded cells. More on this new technology to come!
4th Nordic Neuroscience Meeting
PhD student Dorottya Ralbovszki and Postdoc Eliska Waloschkova presented their research on evolution of the spatial processing system and patch-seq data in the medial entorhinal cortex at the Nordic Neuroscience Conference, Copenhagen! High quality posters and excellent speakers and a huge turnout made this a great local event.
January 15-17 2024
PhD student Dorottya Ralbovszki and Postdoc Eliska Waloschkova presented their research on evolution of the spatial processing system and patch-seq data in the medial entorhinal cortex at the Nordic Neuroscience Conference, Copenhagen! High quality posters and excellent speakers and a huge turnout made this a great local event.
It’s a memorable moment when your Professor title is instated and celebrated.
Thanks to all at AU Viborg and all the attendees from near and far including amongst others, my group, husband and collaborator and friend Claire Meehan who made this an unforgettable occasion.
Christmas ceramic painting
December 2023
Its not always hard work in our lab. We love to find time for social activities. Here we spent an afternoon harnessing our creativity which resulted in some ceramic take-home christmas gifts. Merry Christmas from the Group of Brain Development and Disease to you.